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Showing posts from January, 2017

One Step Forward...Well, You Know the Rest

So I'm sitting here getting over the first day of 2017, which was pretty good. I watched Lost with my fiance' almost all day and now as I catch up on the day's news and go over my finances, I have Lethal Weapon on to keep me company. Not bad at all. Well I was also preparing for a couple of strongman contests and much like last year, well, my body has other plans. I was preparing for one of Georgia's Strongest Man contests and hitting some decent numbers. I had done a session and hit 275 for several reps in the Strict Overhead Press and later in the week gotten up to 800 and some change doing some parallel deadlifts or, as I like to call them, Car Deadlifts (because it's similar to that apparatus.) I was feeling strong, but damn it hit me when I got home. My pesky hernia. There's no way to ignore it, it's there. It's small yes, but I'm not in the mindset of making it worse. There's a part of me that wants to go ahead and get surgery and be