I think back to the "good old days" quite a bit now. At 36 with a knee that is mostly good half of the time, a heart that gets out of rhythm quite often and the ever-looming threat of cellulitis-it's easy to think my best days are behind me. Quite often when I'm visualizing the evening's workout or planning for the week ahead, I will harken back to the old days when I hit the gym any time I wanted, worked out any way that I wanted and the results were, well, basically the same as they are now. Until you get well north of 30 you don't really get how your body changes and how little, yes how little, training actually matters. As a youth, if you are training consistently at all, you will get in better overall shape. If you do train consistently AND you eat right and rehab, you will get in great shape in the manner you choose. If you do those things AND have a good training plan, well, you will be in heaven. Most of us don't have the discipline to do that as
The blog of Jay Scott