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Showing posts from November, 2019

With Great Power, and So On

Even if you aren't as big of a Spider-Man fan as I am, you've heard it a million times and seen a million different memes for it. However, for the benefit of those who haven't... "With great power, comes great responsibility." -Benjamin Franklin Parker, AKA Uncle Ben It's a pivotal scene in every iteration of Spider-Man as Uncle Ben, shortly before dying, passes on this tremendous line to the young Peter Parker as he embarks on his career as a superhero. It's something that resonates with a lot of people and I'm no exception. I think about this line a great deal, especially as I get older and wiser with my years and ask myself  "why?" quite a bit more than I used to. I have always been strong barring anything catastrophic occurring, I always will be. If I am blessed enough to be an old man, I will surely be like the Odd Haugen or Danny Hodge type and trying to wow someone with the vestiges of my once proud physique and eager to impart